Behind the scenes at Open Code Quest: how I implemented the Leaderboard in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

After revealing the behind-the-scenes design of the Leaderboard for the “Open Code Quest” workshop during the Red Hat Summit Connect France 2024 , it’s time to delve deeper into its practical implementation!

In this article, I’m going to take you through the configuration of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management as well as the various adaptations needed to connect the Leaderboard created earlier with the Open Code Quest infrastructure.

Come on board with me for this new stage, which is more technical than the previous one, as I had to get creative to wire up a very “conceptual” Grafana dashboard with the reality of OpenShift clusters!

This article follows on from Behind the scenes at Open Code Quest: how I designed the Leaderboard . If you haven’t read it yet, I advise you to read it first to understand the context better.

Prometheus queries

In the previous article, I discussed how we could detect the actions of a user in his environment:

If the three previous conditions are true, we can deduce that the user has completed and validated the hero exercise.

The reality is in fact a little more complicated, because between the very conceptual Leaderboard of the previous article and these very technical elements, it was necessary to make quite a few adaptations.

In the end, for each exercise I had to implement three Prometheus queries to detect the three conditions above. Fortunately, all three exercises are based on the same model, so the set of queries is very similar for all three exercises.

Detecting the Quarkus micro-service

I detect the deployment of the Quarkus microservice hero in the environment dev using the following query, which I persist as a recording rule named opencodequest_hero_quarkus_pod:dev.

    label_replace(kube_deployment_status_condition{namespace=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-dev",deployment="hero",condition="Available",status="true"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)-workshop-dev")
  ) by (user),
    label_replace(kube_namespace_status_phase{namespace=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)",phase="Active"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)")
  ) by (user),
0, 0)

This query is in two parts. The first part works as follows:

The second part of the query addresses this problem:

This second part makes it possible to have a default value (0) for all participants, even when Kubernetes Deployment is not yet present.

The or keyword in the middle of the two queries merges the two parts, with the first taking precedence over the second.

The villain and fight microservices, as well as the preprod and prod environments, are based on the same principle.

In total, 9 time series are recorded in the form of recording rules:

Detecting the database

I detect the deployment of the hero database in the dev environment using the following query, which I persist as a recording rule named opencodequest_hero_db_pod:dev.

    label_replace(kube_pod_status_phase{namespace=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-dev",pod="hero-database-1",phase="Running"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)-workshop-dev")
  ) by (user),
    label_replace(kube_namespace_status_phase{namespace=~".*-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)",phase="Active"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "(.*)-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)")
  ) by (user),
0, 0)

The query is very similar to the previous one, except that I’m basing it on the state of the Pod named hero-database-1. This is why I’m using the kube_pod_status_phase timeseries.

The villain microservice and the preprod and prod environments are based on the same principle. In total, 6 time series are recorded in the form of recording rules (fight has no database):

The recording rules for the prod environment are a little different because in this environment the database is shared between all the participants and deployed before the workshop starts with the rest of the infrastructure. Consequently, I force the value of the time series opencodequest_hero_db_pod:prod and opencodequest_villain_db_pod:prod to 1 using a variant of the second part of the query explained above:

    label_replace(kube_namespace_status_phase{namespace=~".*-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)",phase="Active"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "(.*)-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)")
  ) by (user),
1, 1)

Detecting the end of the Tekton Pipeline

Detecting the end of the Tekton pipeline required more work because there is no standard metric for knowing the state of a pipeline. I therefore relied on the presence of a <user>-hero-run-<random>-resync-pod pod in the user’s dev environment. This pod corresponds to the last stage of the Tekton Pipeline. So if this pod is in a Completed state, it means that the Pipeline has completed successfully.

I detect the state of the Tekton Pipeline hero in the dev environment using the following query, which I persist in the form of a recording rule called opencodequest_hero_pipeline.

    label_replace(kube_pod_status_phase{namespace=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-dev",pod=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-hero-run-.*-resync-pod",phase="Succeeded"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)-workshop-dev")
  ) by (user),
    label_replace(kube_namespace_status_phase{namespace=~".*-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)",phase="Active"}, "user", "$1", "namespace", "(.*)-workshop-(dev|preprod|prod)")
  ) by (user),
0, 0)

The query is very similar to the previous one, except that the expected state of the Pod is different (Completed) and the name of the Pod is different.

The villain and fight microservices are based on the same principle. In total, 3 time series are recorded in the form of recording rules (pipelines only exist in the dev environment):

Detecting the end of the exercise

To detect the end of the hero exercise in the dev environment, I combine the results of the three previous queries using the following query, which I persist in the form of a recording rule called opencodequest_leaderboard_hero:dev.

  (opencodequest_hero_quarkus_pod:dev + opencodequest_hero_db_pod:dev + opencodequest_hero_pipeline) == bool 3
) by (user, cluster)

This query works as follows:

The fight exercise only has two components because it doesn’t have a database. The queries concerning it will therefore be simpler:

  (opencodequest_fight_quarkus_pod:prod + opencodequest_fight_pipeline) == bool 2
) by (user, cluster)

There are a total of 9 recording rules which record the state of completion of the 3 exercises across the 3 environments of the participants.

And with these last recording rules we’ve just connected the Leaderboard with the OpenShift environments used for the Open Code Quest. Now let’s see how observability has been implemented in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management!

Observability in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

During the Open Code Quest, we had 8 clusters at our disposal:

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management is installed on the central cluster and from there it controls all the clusters.

Observability is an additional module (in the sense that it is not installed by default) of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and this module is based on the Open Source components Prometheus, Thanos and Grafana.

The following diagram shows the architecture of the observability module in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. I created it by observing the relationships between the components from an installation of ACM version 2.11.

Logical architecture of observability in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.11
Logical architecture of observability in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.11

The components deployed on the central cluster are in green, those deployed on the managed clusters are in blue and the configuration items are in grey. I’ve also illustrated the two possible places for calculating recording rules, in yellow.

Note that ConfigMaps on managed clusters can be deployed automatically from the central cluster via a ManifestWork.

Implementation of the recording rules

Recording rules can be calculated at two different times:

But there’s a little subtlety: this choice is true for standard OpenShift metrics.

The recording rules using custom metrics (i.e. User Workload Monitoring) are calculated only after reception on the central cluster. It is not possible to calculate them before sending them to the central cluster. You can only specify custom metrics to be sent as-is.

They are not configured in the same place either, depending on whether it’s a custom metric or a standard metric and whether it’s done before or after sending. To help you, I’ve put together a summary table:

Type of metricComputation of the recording ruleLocation of the configurationName of the ConfigMapKey
standardbefore sendingopen-cluster-management-observability namespace on the central cluster or managed clustersobservability-metrics-custom-allowlistmetrics_list.yaml
customno computation, sent as-isopen-cluster-management-observability namespace on the central cluster or managed clustersobservability-metrics-custom-allowlistuwl_metrics_list.yaml
standard or customon arrivalopen-cluster-management-observability namespace on the central clusterthanos-ruler-custom-rulescustom_rules.yaml

Computing Recording Rules before sending

To send metrics and compute recording rules before sending to the central cluster, this is configured in the open-cluster-management-observability namespace on the central cluster via a ConfigMap :

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: observability-metrics-custom-allowlist
  namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
  uwl_metrics_list.yaml: |
    - fights_total    
  metrics_list.yaml: |
    - kube_deployment_status_replicas_ready
    - kube_pod_status_phase
    - kube_namespace_status_phase
    - record: opencodequest_hero_quarkus_pod:dev
      expr: kube_deployment_status_condition{namespace=~\"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-dev\",deployment=\"hero\",condition=\"Available\",status=\"true\"}    

The configuration above allows you to :

Computing Recording Rules on arrival

For the computation of recording rules on arrival on the central cluster, this is also configured in the open-cluster-management-observability namespace on the central cluster, but via another ConfigMap:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: thanos-ruler-custom-rules
  namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
  custom_rules.yaml: |
      - name: opencodequest
        - record: opencodequest_hero_quarkus_pod:dev
          expr: kube_deployment_status_condition{namespace=~"[a-zA-Z0-9]+-workshop-dev",deployment="hero",condition="Available",status="true"}    

Note that the syntax of the two ConfigMaps is not identical.

Note: the names of the metrics in the examples above are more or less fictitious. These are not the configurations I used in the end.

Implementation choices

I have chosen to compute, in the form of recording rules in managed clusters, the three components that make it possible to validate the completeness of an exercise, i.e.:

I’ve created these recording rules for the dev, preprod and prod environments of the participants. This way, if on the day of the Open Code Quest we had a widespread problem in the prod environment, we could quickly switch the computation of the scores to another upstream environment.

I can see one advantage to this approach: computing the three components of each exercise in the managed clusters means that not too many metrics are sent back to the central cluster.

In contrast, I had to compute the Leaderboard Prometheus queries described in the first part of this article in the form of recording rules at the central cluster level. I didn’t really have much choice: I needed several groups of recording rules and this function is only available in the ConfigMap which configures the recording rules for the central cluster.

You can find all the recording rules used for Open Code Quest in the acm folder.

Setting up observability

Deploying the observability module on the central cluster is very simple, and can be done by following the documentation:

To perform these operations, I used the following commands:


# Create the open-cluster-management-observability namespace
oc create namespace open-cluster-management-observability

# Copy the pull secret from the openshift namespace
DOCKER_CONFIG_JSON=`oc extract secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config --to=-`
oc create secret generic multiclusterhub-operator-pull-secret \  
   -n open-cluster-management-observability \  
   --from-literal=.dockerconfigjson="$DOCKER_CONFIG_JSON" \

# Create an S3 bucket
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "$S3_BUCKET_NAME" --create-bucket-configuration "LocationConstraint=$AWS_REGION" --region "$AWS_REGION" --output json

# Deploy the observability add-on
oc apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: thanos-object-storage
  namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
type: Opaque
  thanos.yaml: |
    type: s3
      bucket: $S3_BUCKET_NAME
      endpoint: s3.$
      insecure: false
      access_key: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
      secret_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: MultiClusterObservability
  name: observability
  namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
  observabilityAddonSpec: {}
      name: thanos-object-storage
      key: thanos.yaml

After installing the observability module, the managed clusters are automatically configured to report the most important Prometheus metrics to the central cluster.

The Open Code Quest workshop takes advantage of custom metrics that I use in the Leaderboard to find out which participants have got their microservices working. To collect these metrics, I activate the User Workload Monitoring feature in each managed OpenShift cluster.

oc -n openshift-monitoring get configmap cluster-monitoring-config -o yaml | sed -r 's/(\senableUserWorkload:\s).*/\1true/' | oc apply -f -

Deploying a Grafana development instance

A Grafana instance is automatically deployed with the observability module, but this instance is read-only: the standard dashboards can be consulted, but new ones cannot be created. To create new dashboards, you need to deploy a development instance of Grafana at the same time.

git clone
cd multicluster-observability-operator/tools
./ --deploy

Once the instance has been deployed, you need to connect to it with any OpenShift user and give that user administrator privileges.

GRAFANA_DEV_HOSTNAME="$(oc get route grafana-dev -n open-cluster-management-observability -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}')"
echo "Now login to Grafana with your openshift user at https://$GRAFANA_DEV_HOSTNAME"
read -q "?press any key to continue "
./ "$(oc whoami)"

Then create the “Red Hat Summit Connect 2024” dashboard, as explained in the article Behind the scenes at Open Code Quest: how I designed the Leaderboard .

And finally, export the dashboard in the form of a ConfigMap.

./ "Red Hat Summit Connect 2024"

The red-hat-summit-connect-2024.yaml file is created. Simply apply it to the central cluster and the dashboard will appear in the production Grafana instance.

oc apply -f red-hat-summit-connect-2024.yaml


To conclude, implementing the Leaderboard in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management gave me a better understanding of how observability works, in particular recording rules. In the end, I have been able to set up a dashboard that tracks the progress of participants in real time.

You can find all the recording rules used for Open Code Quest in the acm folder in the Git repository.