Deploying Invidious on OpenShift

Invidious is an alternative frontend to YouTube that is slimmer, faster and at the same time offer more features than YouTube itself. And even more important: it’s Open Source!

There is a hosted instance at if you want to give it a try. But, wouldn’t it be cooler to host your own instance on your OpenShift cluster? Let’s do it!

Create a new project.

oc new-project invidious --display-name=Invidious

Provision a PostgreSQL database instance, as required by Invidious.

oc new-app --name=postgresql --template=postgresql-persistent \
           -p POSTGRESQL_USER=kemal \
           -p POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=secret \
           -p POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=invidious

Because the database needs to be initialized with the Invidious schema, we need to create an initialization script (based on the one provided by the community).

Checkout the Invidious GIT repository (replace 0.20.0 with the Invidious version you want to deploy).

git clone -b 0.20.0

And create the init script in config/sql.

cd invidious/config/sql
cat <<"EOF" >
echo ">>> Starting database schema creation"
set +e
for f in channels videos channel_videos users \
         session_ids nonces annotations privacy \
         playlists playlist_videos; do

       -f $APP_DATA/src/postgresql-start/$f.sql
set -e
echo "<<< Finished database schema creation"

Provision the initialization script plus all the SQL files as a Config Map and mount it on the PostgreSQL pod in /opt/app-root/src/postgresql-start.

oc create configmap postgresql-init --from-file=.
oc set volume dc/postgresql --add -t configmap --name postgresql-init \
                            --configmap-name=postgresql-init \
                            -m /opt/app-root/src/postgresql-start

Because of a bug feature in the PostgreSQL base image (see #351), we need to hack a little bit the PostgreSQL image.

cat <<"EOF" > /tmp/

export CONTAINER_SCRIPTS_PATH=/usr/share/container-scripts/postgresql
. /usr/share/container-scripts/postgresql/

# Replace the get_matched_files function from
# with a patched version that fixes #351
get_matched_files ()
  local pattern=$1 dir
  for dir; do
    test -d "$dir" || continue
    # see
    find -L "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$pattern" -printf "%f\n"

oc create configmap postgresql-hack --from-file=/tmp/
oc set volume dc/postgresql --add -t configmap --name postgresql-hack \
                            --configmap-name=postgresql-hack \
                            -m /opt/custom
oc set env dc/postgresql CONTAINER_SCRIPTS_PATH=/opt/custom

Build the Invidious image.

cat <<"EOF" | oc new-build --name=invidious --strategy=docker --docker-image=alpine:edge -D -
FROM alpine:edge
RUN apk add --no-cache crystal shards libc-dev yaml-dev \
                       libxml2-dev sqlite-dev zlib-dev openssl-dev
WORKDIR /invidious
RUN git clone \
              -b ${INVIDIOUS_VERSION:-0.20.0} . \
 && shards update && shards install \
 && crystal build --release --warnings all --error-on-warnings -Dmusl \
                  ./src/ \
 && apk add --no-cache librsvg ttf-opensans \
 && chmod -R ugo+rw,+X /invidious
CMD [ "/invidious/invidious" ]
oc patch bc/invidious -p '{"spec":{"strategy":{"dockerStrategy":{"noCache":true}}}}'

Deploy Invidious.

oc new-app --image-stream=invidious:latest --name=invidious
oc expose dc/invidious --port=3000

Create the Invidious configuration file and mount it in /invidious/config/.

cat <<"EOF" > /tmp/config.yml
channel_threads: 1
feed_threads: 1
  user: kemal
  password: secret
  host: postgresql
  port: 5432
  dbname: invidious
full_refresh: false
https_only: false

oc create configmap invidious-config --from-file=/tmp/config.yml
oc set volume dc/invidious --add -t configmap --name invidious-config \
                           --configmap-name=invidious-config \
                           -m /invidious/config/

Create a route to expose Invidious.

oc expose svc/invidious

You can then export your existing YouTube subscriptions and import them in Invidious.
