
Articles concernant Open Source / OpenShift:

One-liner to decode a Kubernetes secret (base64 encoded)British flag

Creating a Kubernetes secret from a value is easy: $ oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=secretValue=super-secret secret/my-secret created But getting back this value (from a Shell script, for instance) is not so easy since it is now base64 encoded: $ oc get secret my-secret -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-secret namespace: qlkube type: Opaque data: secretValue: c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0 Hopefully, since the latest versions of Kubernetes, there is now a one-liner to extract the field and base64 decode it: Continuer la lecture

Writing workshop instructions with Hugo and deploying in OpenShiftBritish flag

This is the third part of my series covering how to Write workshop instructions with Hugo. In this article, we will deploy our Hugo mini-training as a container in OpenShift. Continuer la lecture

Use Ansible to manage the QoS of your OpenShift workloadBritish flag

As I was administering my OpenShift cluster, I found out that I had a too much memory requests. To preserve a good quality of service on my cluster, I had to tacle this issue. Continuer la lecture