API Management
Deploy APIs from your CI/CD pipeline with the 3scale REST API
In the past years, I spent time (maybe too much) designing and implementing CI/CD pipelines around 3scale. This led to the birth of the threescale_cicd ansible role. I also helped on the design of the 3scale_toolbox and crafted a Jenkins shared library as well as sample CI/CD pipelines using the 3scale_toolbox. I had the opportunity to train colleagues and transmit this knowledge but I never took the time to set it down on paper. Continuer la lecture
A cleanup playbook for 3scale
If you are running integration tests embedding 3scale or are doing a lot of 3scale demos, you might sooner or later have plenty of services declared in the 3scale Admin console, which could reveal difficult to work with. And with the new feature named API-as-a-Product, there are now Backends and Products to delete, making the cleanup by hand a bit tedious. This article explains how to cleanup a 3scale tenant using Ansible. Continuer la lecture
APIs as a Product: Get the value out of your APIs
APIs continue to spread, as seen in this 2019 report from ProgrammableWeb, which shows a 30% increase over last year’s growth rate. More regulations are enforcing the use of APIs to open up companies and foster innovation. Think of the Payment Services Directive version two (PSD2), open banking, and the public sector releasing 0pen data APIs. With such an abundance of APIs, it becomes increasingly crucial to get the value out of your APIs and differentiate yourself from the growing competition. Continuer la lecture
APIs as a Product: Get started in no time
In the previous article, APIs as a Product: Get the value out of your APIs, we presented a new approach called “APIs as a Product” to maximize the value of your APIs. In this article, we show how to quickly get started with APIs as a Product using the new features of Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.7. Continue reading Continuer la lecture
What is this 'URL Rewriting' policy configured by the 3scale toolbox?
In this article on the Red Hat Developer blog, I explained how to deploy an API from a Jenkins Pipeline, using the 3scale toolbox. If you tried this approach by yourself you may have noticed that in some cases, the configured service includes the URL Rewriting policy in its Policy Chain. Continuer la lecture
What is this 'Anonymous' policy configured by the 3scale toolbox?
In this article on the Red Hat Developer blog, I explained how to deploy an API from the CLI, using the 3scale toolbox. If you tried this approach by yourself you may end up, sooner or later, with a 3scale service including an Anonymous policy in its policy chain. What is this policy and why is it there? Let’s dig in! Continuer la lecture
Configure the TLS trust store in Apicurio Studio
Microcks and Apicurio are nice Open Source projects that can even talk to each other to deliver greater value than the sum of their parts. Unfortunately, sometimes TLS certificates can get in the way of proper communication between the two projects. This post explains how to configure the trust store in Apicurio to overcome TLS communication issues between Apicurio and Microcks. Continuer la lecture
Enable global policies on Apicast 3.6
Recent versions of Apicast have a pluggable policy mechanism to apply different treatments to each exposed API. This is very powerful since each service receives its specific configuration. However, if the same treatment has to be applied to every service exposed, it becomes an administration overhead. Hopefully, Apicast has the concept of Global Policies that applies to every service exposed by itself. Continuer la lecture
Using the 3scale toolbox Jenkins Shared Library
In the previous article of this series, Deploy your API from a Jenkins Pipeline, we discovered how the 3scale toolbox can help you deploy your API from a Jenkins Pipeline on Red Hat OpenShift/Kubernetes. In this article, we will improve the pipeline from the previous article to make it more robust, less verbose, and also offer more features by using the 3scale toolbox Jenkins Shared Library. Continue reading Continuer la lecture
Deploy your API from a Jenkins Pipeline
In a previous article, 5 principles for deploying your API from a CI/CD pipeline, we discovered the main steps required to deploy your API from a CI/CD pipeline and this can prove to be a tremendous amount of work. Hopefully, the latest release of Red Hat Integration greatly improved this situation by adding new capabilities to the 3scale CLI. In 3scale toolbox: Deploy an API from the CLI, we discovered how the 3scale toolbox strives to automate the delivery of APIs. Continuer la lecture