IT Automation
Sauvegarder la configuration de ses EdgeSwitch et EdgeRouter avec Ansible
J’utilise des équipements de marque Ubiquiti dans mon réseau informatique à la maison: un EdgeSwitch et un EdgeRouter. Et jusqu’à présent, je n’avais pas mis en place de moyen simple et automatisé pour sauvegarder leur configuration. C’est désormais chose faite avec ce playbook Ansible qui me sauvegarde la configuration des deux équipements et me l’enregistre dans un entrepôt Git. Continuer la lecture
A cleanup playbook for 3scale
If you are running integration tests embedding 3scale or are doing a lot of 3scale demos, you might sooner or later have plenty of services declared in the 3scale Admin console, which could reveal difficult to work with. And with the new feature named API-as-a-Product, there are now Backends and Products to delete, making the cleanup by hand a bit tedious. This article explains how to cleanup a 3scale tenant using Ansible. Continuer la lecture
Check the Ansible version number in a playbook
My Ansible playbooks sometimes use features that are available only in a very recent versions of Ansible. To prevent unecessary troubles to the team mates that will execute them, I like to add a task at the very beginning of my playbooks to check the Ansible version number and abort if the requirements are not met. Continuer la lecture
Ansible: Add a prefix or suffix to all items of a list
Recently, in one of my Ansible playbooks I had to prefix all items of a list with a chosen string. Continuer la lecture
Solving the Ansible error 'This module requires the OpenShift Python client'
If you are using MacOS to develop Operators based on Ansible or simply running Ansible playbooks straight from your Mac, you might encounter this error: This module requires the OpenShift Python client. When coping with this error message, two items need to be checked: The openshift python module needs to be installed using the pip command bundled with your Ansible. If you are not using the implicit localhost, your inventory needs to be updated. Continuer la lecture
Use Ansible to manage the QoS of your OpenShift workload
As I was administering my OpenShift cluster, I found out that I had a too much memory requests. To preserve a good quality of service on my cluster, I had to tacle this issue. Continuer la lecture